A variety of resources for school-aged families and children are available through Fort Riley, including information on moving to Fort Riley, school support services, and school age center activities for before and after school.
- Fort Riley School Liaison
- The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
- Enrollment and Transfers
- Boundaries and Busing
- Sports Eligibility and Extracurricular Activities
- Military & Family Life Consultant (MFLC)
- Academic Resources
- Purple Star School Program
Fort Riley School Liaison
Fort Riley School Liaison
Contact: Shelby Amancio
Email: shelby.l.amancio.naf@army.mil
Phone: 785-240-3261
The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children is an interstate compact that addresses the educational transition issues of children of military families. Currently all 50 States and the District of Columbia participate in the interstate compact that provide a uniform policy platform for resolving the challenges experienced by military children to include: enrollment educational records, enrollment immunizations, Kindergarten and first grade entrance age, Course and education program placement, special education services, placement flexibility, absences related to deployment activities, eligibility for enrollment, eligibility for extracurricular participation, and graduation.
Find more information regarding your rights and Toolkits for parents and students to take advantage of the compact below.
Home: Partnership Website
Enrollment and Transfers
All students are enrolled online, via Skyward. For information on how to enroll your students, please visit our Skyward page on the website.
There are four elementary schools on post, as well as Fort Riley Middle School. Geary County Schools completed the construction of the new Junction City High School and will be where incoming high school students will attend.
If you do not have an address for Fort Riley yet, you may enroll your students at Morris Hill Elementary or Fort Riley Middle School using any address in the continental United States. High school students will enroll at Junction City High School, for addresses on and off post. Once you have your address for Fort Riley, please call the Devin Center at 785-717-4000 and update your enrollment information so that your student can be assigned to the appropriate school.
Grade Cards, Certified Transcripts – Request these from your student’s previously enrolled school or district once it has been identified which USD 475 School they will be attending. Contact that school for the point of contact to which this documentation should be sent. Please allow a week for processing. (This will help counselors place your student(s) in appropriate classes.)
Application deadlines vary by school and the current board approved calendar for the year, check with your school liaison for the most current information.
Home instruction is an option available to parents at their own discretion and subject to Kansas State Laws, which can be found below, or the those of the parent or guardian’s official home of record.
Home: Kansas State Laws
USD 475 provides robust Special Education resources. Please visit the portion of our district website dedicated to this for more information and best points of contact.
Request Records
If you are looking to request a student’s cumulative record from when they were enrolled with Geary County Schools USD 475, please contact the previous school the student was enrolled in to find the appropriate contact information, locate your child’s school on our homepage.
If you are looking to request a students’ special education records from when they were enrolled with Geary County Schools USD 475, please use this fillable PDF below and forward it to SPEDRecordsRequest@usd475.org. Please note we are a department that keeps digital copies of a student’s record once they have exited from our district. To help conserve paper, we prefer to email these scanned records to the requesting party.
Contact Information
PDF: Special Education Form
Email: SPEDRecordsRequest@usd475.org
Financial Clearing
Military families that will be transferring their child out of Geary County Schools USD 475 will need to clear financially with the district. To financially clear with USD 475, you need to do the following:
- Visit the Geary County Schools USD 475 Central Office Finance Department between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Devin Center.
- Payments can be made by check, cash or credit card (Checks are to be written to USD 475).
- You are clearing all fee as of the date of payment. If your child accumulates additional fees after you have made a payment, those fees will need to be paid at your child’s building on their last day of school.
- If, upon leaving, you feel your child has additional funds left on their account, please visit your child’s respective school to receive a refund.
Boundaries and Busing
By typing in your address, you can use Infofinder to find out where your child will attend school if you have an address and if busing is available.
Transportation Information: Infofinder
Sports Eligibility and Extracurricular Activities
A Boys and Girls Club Before and After School Program, partnered with the Junction City Family YMCA is offered for students enrolled in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Additionally, Fort Riley offers many programs and activities for its soldiers, students, and families including but not limited to daycare, sports, clubs, organizations, and more. Visit the Fort Riley Army Community Service website to learn what is currently available.
Club and activities, please contact your student’s school to learn what is currently available.
Junction City High School offers an extensive Career and Technical Education program and these activities, along with a Freshman Success Academy. If you are transferring to USD 475 and wish to participate in activities or athletics, visit the Athletic Director’s office and fill out transfer papers to become eligible. Trying out for a team midseason is possible if the student meets all eligibility requirements and the season is not nearing completion. Contact the Athletic Director’s office at 785-717-4214 for details.
Fall Sports
Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Tennis
Winter Sports
Boys Swimming
Spring Sports
Girls Soccer
Girls Swimming
Boys Tennis
Track and Field
Military & Family Life Consultant (MFLC)
Military Family Life Consultants are PhD. level consultants specializing in child and youth behavioral issues. They offer a broad range of support to military children and youth, and to the family members as well as other adults who support them. After-hours and weekend appointments are available.
Seitz Elementary
Phone: 785-717 – 6500
Morris Hill Elementary
Phone: 785-717-4650
Visit the following websites for more information.
• Military and Family Life Program
• Child and Youth Behavioral Military and Family Life Counselor Parent Consent Letter
• Military Community & Family Policy
• Child and Youth Behavioral Military and Family Life Counselor Program
MFLC Services
• Available at no cost to assist children and youth, parents, family members, and staff.
• Available to provide short-term, non-medical problem-solving support.
• Dedicated to augmenting existing military support services.
• Services are private with the exception of duty-to-warn situations.
MFLC’s Issues Addressed
• School Adjustment
• Deployment and separation
• Reunion adjustment
• Sibling and parent-child communication
• Behavioral concerns
• Fear, grief, and loss
• Daily life issues
Web Resources
KSDE Building Report Cards | Kansas Department of Education | Veteran Substance Abuse Resources | Other Military Resources
Deployment Information and Resources
The websites below have more information about the stages of family members going through a deployment.
- How Deployment Stress Affects Families
- Effects of Deployment on Children & Families
- Military Deployment Support
- Military Families: Child Care Support During Deployments
- Operation We Are Here
- Resources to Prepare Your Family for Deployment-Military One Source
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- American Red Cross
- Military Child Education Coalition-Results of a survey about the education challenges of military connected students
Academic Resources
Army Youth Programs in Your Neighborhood (AYPYN) is a program for Military-Army families living or attending secondary schools off Fort Riley. AYPYN is a before and after school program in USD 475 that assists military-army students with academic performance, college readiness, and social-emotional learning.
After school programs are offered at Fort Riley Middle School, Junction City Middle School and Junction City High School. Each respective location focuses on academics, wellness, tutoring and credit recovery if necessary at the high school level. In 2024-25, JCMS and JCHS will also have an opportunity to support military connected students who live off post through AYPYN, which is a part of the after school programming. After school programming at those schools are supported through AYPYN and district funds.
Home: Army Youth Programs in Your Neighborhood Home
Purple Star School Program
Geary County Schools USD 475 is proud to be the first district in the state of Kansas to implement a pilot of the Military Child Education Coalition’s (MCEC) Purple Star School Program within its schools.
Home: Purple Star School Program Home